Monday, March 12, 2012


Last night was a disturbed night - the cause? Possums.

First of all it was a huge possum on the roof, wandering around and tapping claws. I was sent out to scare it away but it didn't want to come down. Eventually it moved off after banging on the ceiling and clicking open and shut the roof vent.

Later (after we had been tucked up in bed again, Karen had a go at scaring a second possum off our roof. It was quite funny listening to her walking around the van, waving the torch and swearing at the possum, but I eventually had to join her and the beast was sent on its way with a very non-parks and wildlife crack across its back with a stick.

Then, a third possum dragged me from my bed to scare it away. We use a simple BBQ plate on top of a two burner stove - very simple and effective. When not in use I close the lid on top of the plate but of course it doesn't close all the way down. The possum was on top of the lid and trying to get its head in the narrow crack to (presumably) lick the BBQ plate. Like all possums found here, it just froze when the light went on it so I belted it with the torch (I was getting peeved by then) and then packed up the BBQ.

Like most people, once you get vertical after being in bed for a while, nature called. Being a bloke I simply walked over to the trees and  performed the function there.

Remember I said that possums freeze when you walk up to them? Well the unfreeze and make a "Skkrrkt" noise when you pee on them. I was just in that "ahh" moment so all of a sudden having a relatively large piece of wildlife explode into action at your feet and streak up the tree trunk in front, while you have you best friend in your hand, causes a certain amount of anxiety. Remember, possums are climbers and my best friend was in the line of fire! In all truth I nearly crapped myself, but the possum went the other way and I went back to bed.

I think they have the wrong name now, I won't be calling them "possums" any more.

From now on they are "PISSUMS" instead!

No pictures with this post - be grateful!

1 comment:

  1. Oh... dad.... Far more information that I needed from you!!!
